Your Favorite Childrens Books
We are sad to say that Toy House is closed.
If you are looking for books in Jackson, check out:
The Book Cottage
1824 Horton Road
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 768-8030
Reading is FUNdamental!
Yeah, you’ve heard that for years. …and it’s true!
Our children’s books department will take you on a journey from Board Books for babies to the classics like William Shakespeare.
In between you will find Picture Story Books like Where the Wild Things Are and Poetry from Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein. You’ll find favorites from your own childhood and new titles to delight your kids.
You will find Easy Readers of all levels to help open up the world to your children.
You will find Chapter Books like the classics The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew sitting next to newer titles like Dragonbreath and SewZoey.
You will find Reference Books (that often don’t look like old, stodgy reference books) on topics from Dinosaurs to Butterflies and Science Projects to Social Studies.
You will find History Books with biographies of famous people, places and events.
You will find the Classics from your favorite authors like Mark Twain and Charles Dickens and Marguerite Henry and Roald Dahl.
Whether you want to spend time perusing titles or just need a quick suggestion or two, you’ll definitely want to stop in to see the Book Department.